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sparse (adjective), sparser, sparsest
1. Thinly scattered; set or planted here and there; not dense: "The information about what really happened is still rather sparse."
3. In botany, not in any apparent regular order.
4. Etymology: from Latin sparsus, "scattered", past participle of spargere, "to scatter, to spread, to sprinkle".
4. Etymology: from Latin sparsus, "scattered", past participle of spargere, "to scatter, to spread, to sprinkle".
When the hair is sparse on the head, it is sparsus or "scattered" and thin as the Latin puts it. This all comes from spargo which referred to the "scattered sowing of seeds" meaning the hair hasn't been planted closely enough.
This entry is located in the following unit:
-sperse, -spersed, -spersing, -spersion; spars-; -spargic
(page 2)
Units related to:
(Greek: sparse, thin, rare; slack, loose; by extension, "gas, vapor")
(Latin: rarus, rare, thin, loose, sparse; airy, porous, infrequent, unusual)