You searched for: “spanish
Names of months and days in Spanish.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar, Month and Day Names in Different Languages (page 2)
1. Referring to or relating to Spain, or its people or culture.
2. The Romance language of the largest part of Spain and most of Central and South America.
This entry is located in the following unit: -ish (page 3)
More possibly related word entries
Units related to: “spanish
(Month and Day Names)
(Latin [cattus] > Spanish: cat, cats)
(Spanish: diminutive of mosca, "fly" or "little fly" from Latin musca, "fly")
(Modern Latin: a diminutive of the Spanish plata, "silver", "platina"; metal)
(Italian: very small or from Spanish, "beak, tip, very small"; and from Latin, beccus, beak; also, a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements)
Word Entries containing the term: “spanish
Spanish (Castilian) days
domingo (Sunday)
lunes (Monday)
martes (Tuesday)
miércoles (Wednesday)
jueves (Thursday)
viernes (Friday)
sábado (Saturday)
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 7)
Spanish (Castilian) months
enero (January)
febrero (February)
marzo (March)
abril (April)
mayo (May)
junio (June)
julio (July)
agosto (August)
septiembre (September)
octubre (October)
noviembre (November)
diciembre (December)
—Based on information from
International Dictionary in 21 Languages by H.L. Ouseg;
Philosophical Library; New York 1962.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 7)