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scull, scull, skull
scull (SKUHL) (noun)
A racing boat that is propelled by individuals using oars: The scull was long and sleek and easy to maneuver.
scull (SKUHL) (verb)
To propel a boat using one or two long oars, often undertaken by one individual: Susan watched as the son of her friend tried to scull the little raft and almost tipped over.
skull (SKUHL) (noun)
1. The structure of bones that form the head and face of a human or other animal: After falling on the slippery sidewalk and being taken to the hospital, the doctor said our neighbor had a fractured skull.
2. The skeleton head bone of a vertebrate which encloses and protects the brain and other delicate parts in that part of the body: In the museum I saw the skull believed to be that of the oldest primate in the world.
2. The skeleton head bone of a vertebrate which encloses and protects the brain and other delicate parts in that part of the body: In the museum I saw the skull believed to be that of the oldest primate in the world.
They knew they were in danger when their scull hit a skull floating in the river.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group S; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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Units related to:
(Greek > Medieval Latin [c.700-c.1500]: head, skull)
(Latin: testu, testum; earthen container, earthen pot; shell, skull)
(Greek: a wedge; the sphenoid bone, a wedge-shaped bone found at the base of the skull)
Word Entries at Get Words:
The skull is a collection of bones which enclose the brain and give form to the head and face.
The bones of the skull include: the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid, zygomatic, maxilla, nasal, vomer, palatine, inferior concha, and the mandible.
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Computerized Axial Tomography, CAT, or Computed Tomography, CT Terms +
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1. The bony or cartilaginous framework of the head, or the cranium, of vertebrates which consists of the bones of the brain case and face: The primary bones of the skull are the maxilla (upper jaw), the mandible (lower jaw), the zygomatics (cheek bones), and the two nasal (nose) bones.
2. The head which is regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence: Oliver told his brother to use his head, or skull, and to stop smoking.
2. The head which is regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence: Oliver told his brother to use his head, or skull, and to stop smoking.

Skulls have several functions or uses
- The skull encases and protects the brain, houses organs of special senses, provides points of attachment for muscles of the head and neck, and it helps to form the first parts of the breathing, or respiratory, and digestive tracts.
- Many of the bones are hollow, thus reducing the weight of the skull and adding to the sound of the voice.
- All of the bones of the skull, except the mandible, are fixed to each other by immovable joints known as sutures.
There are several cavities in the skull:
- The cranial cavity, where the brain is located.
- The nasal cavity, which is involved with smelling and breathing.
- The orbits, where the eyeballs and their associated muscles exist.
- Part of the mouth is also formed by the skull.
This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group S
(page 7)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
A picture of a human skull situated above two crossed bones: This image of a skull and crossbones was used on pirates' flags as a symbol of death; however, it is sometimes currently used as a "warning label" on poisons; so, avoid, or stay away, from anything that uses such pictures!
This information about skulls and crossbones, which is utilizing the pictures, will NOT cause you any harm!

This entry is located in the following unit:
English Words in Action, Group S
(page 7)