You searched for: “sinew
Units related to: “sinew
(Greek: khorde, "gut string" [of a lyre]; used in an extended sense to mean "sinew, flexible rod-shaped organ, string, cord"; Latin: chorda, "related notes in music, string of a musical instrument, cat-gut" via Old French, corde, "rope, string, twist, cord")
(Greek: force, strength; seat of strength; muscle, sinew; fibrous vessel in a muscle)
(Greek: nerve, nerve fiber, tendon, sinew, cord; nerve cell, nerve cells)
(Greek > Latin: to move in a certain direction; to stretch, to hold out; tension; as well as tendon, sinew)
(Greek: tendon, sinew [related to "move in a certain direction, stretch"])
(Latin: nerve fiber or sinew, nerves)
Word Entries at Get Words: “sinew
The tendon or the bands of inelastic fibrous tissues formed at the termination of a muscle and attaching it to a bone.
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