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signal (s), signals (pl)
1. An action, a gesture, or a sign used as a means of communication; such as, anything which serves to indicate, warn, direct, command; such as, a light, a gesture, an act, etc.: including a traffic signal or a signal to leave.
2. A piece of information communicated by an action, a gesture, or a sign.
3. Information transmitted by means of a modulated current or an electromagnetic wave and received by telephone, telegraph, radio, television, or radar.
2. A piece of information communicated by an action, a gesture, or a sign.
3. Information transmitted by means of a modulated current or an electromagnetic wave and received by telephone, telegraph, radio, television, or radar.

A unit related to:
(Greek: signal, signals; sign, signs; mark, marks; symbol, symbols)
Word Entries containing the term:
1. Any sound that can be identified by listening to its acoustic characteristics; such as, pitch, beats, etc.
2. The audio portion of a television signal.
2. The audio portion of a television signal.
pyrotechnic signal
A signal designed for military use to produce a colored light or smoke, for the purpose of transmitting information.
This entry is located in the following units:
pyro-, pyr-
(page 6)
(page 3)
xeno-, xen-, -xenic, -xenism, -xenist, -xenous, -xeny
(page 3)
signal attenuation
The weakening of RF energy from an RFID tag or reader.
Water absorbs UHF energy, causing signal attenuation.
This entry is located in the following units:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): Definitions
(page 9)
(page 4)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
acoustical signal
Sounds used as a form of intraspecific communication; that is, being within or occurring among the members of the same species.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Biology Terms +
(page 1)
invitation signal
A signal used to induce another member of the same species to join in performing an act; such as, following an odor trail or cooperating in adult transport.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Ant and Related Entomology Terms
(page 10)