You searched for: “selective
1. Applying to some but not to others.
2. Tending to make careful choices.
This entry is located in the following unit: legi-, -leg-, -ligi-, -lig-, -lect-, -lectic, -lection (page 7)
Word Entries containing the term: “selective
electric filter, electric wave filter, frequency selective device, frequency-selective device
1. A circuit that passes selected frequencies of alternating currents while weakening other frequencies.
2. A network that transmits alternating currents of desired frequencies while substantially attenuating all other frequencies.
This entry is located in the following unit: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 9)
ion-selective electrode
1. A chemical transducer that yields a response to variations in the concentration of a given ion in solution.
2. A potentiometric electrode (electromotive force or pressure in an electric circuit measured in volts) that develops a potential in the presence of one ion (or class of ions), but not in the presence of a similar concentration of other ions.
This entry is located in the following units: electro-, electr-, electri- (page 94) ion, ion- + (page 9)
ion-selective field-effect transistor, ISFET
A field-effect transistor whose gate electrode is sensitive to certain ions in an electrolyte, so that the gain of the transistor depends on the concentration of these ions.
This entry is located in the following units: ion, ion- + (page 9) trans-, tran-, tra- (page 4)
selective mutism (SM) (s) (noun), selective mutisms (pl)
A seemingly incongruous behavior in which someone exhibits a ready flow of speech in private, but silence in public: Little Patrick can talk with members of his family; however, he never says anything when he is at school.
This entry is located in the following units: legi-, -leg-, -ligi-, -lig-, -lect-, -lectic, -lection (page 7) mut- (page 1)