You searched for: “sediment
sediment (s) (noun), sediments (pl)
1. Matter or insoluble material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs.
2. Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice to other locations.
This entry is located in the following units: -ment (page 8) sed-, sedat-, -sid, -sess (page 5)
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A unit related to: “sediment
(Latin: excrement, dung; from faeces, plural of faex, "dregs, sediment")
Word Entries containing the term: “sediment
autochthonous sediment
A deposit of mineral or organic material formed in place by decomposition.
This entry is located in the following unit: auto-, aut- (page 6)
cosmic sediment (s) (noun), cosmic sediments (pl)
Particles of extraterrestrial origin which are observed as black magnetic spherules in deep-sea sediments.