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saturate (verb), saturates; saturated; saturating
To cause something to become thoroughly soaked with liquid so that no more can be absorbed: The soil in Margaret's garden is being saturated with water from the rain.
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satis-, sati-, sat-
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saturated (adjective), more saturated, most saturated
1. Characteristic of holding as much moisture as can be soaked by the earth: Joan made sure that the saturated roots of the rosebush had been accomplished before she planted it in the big flower pot.
2. Pertaining to being unable to hold or to contain more of something: The saturated fields of flood waters were certainly a problem where James was living.

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2. Pertaining to being unable to hold or to contain more of something: The saturated fields of flood waters were certainly a problem where James was living.
Some accuse President Trump of making statements that are simply saturated lies.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
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satis-, sati-, sat-
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Word Entries containing the term:
saturated calomel electrode, SCE
One of two practical reference electrodes, used with a mercurous chloride (calomel) paste in pH (measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution) and other potentiometric (voltage-measuring) instruments. The other is the silver/silver chloride electrode.
The calomel (mercury compound) electrode has been the standard secondary reference electrode used in the laboratory since the introduction of the pH electrode.
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electro-, electr-, electri-
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A substance suspended in the air, the temperature and pressure of which, are such that any compression of its volume at constant temperature causes it to condense to liquid at a rate sufficient to maintain a constant pressure.
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satis-, sati-, sat-
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vapori-, vapor-, vapo-
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