You searched for: “saprozoonosis
saprozoonosis (s) (noun), saprozoonoses (pl)
An animal disease that requires both a vertebrate host and a nonanimal (food, soil, plant) source or developmental location for the culmination of its life cycle.

    Examples include:

  • Botulism, a paralytic, often fatal illness, caused by ingestion of food contaminated with a preformed toxin.
  • Coccidioidomycosis, an infection which is limited to the lungs and caused by inhalation of spores.
  • Ascariasis, infestation of the gastrointestinal tract that may produce diarrhea and anorexia.
  • Tungiasis, a disease caused by the chigoe flea, the female of which penetrates the human skin, often under the toenail, where she becomes greatly distended with eggs, causing a painful ulcer and inflammation.