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sanctify (verb), sanctifies; sanctified; sanctifying
1. To set apart religiously for an office or function; to consecrate (a king, etc.).
2. To honor as holy; to ascribe holiness to.
3. To manifest (God, his might, etc.) as holy.
4. To consecrate (a thing); to set apart as holy or sacred.
5. To keep (a day, etc.) holy; to keep or to observe as holy.
6. To make (a person) holy, to purify or free from sin; to cause to undergo sanctification.
7. Chiefly in the Old Testament, to free from ceremonial impurity.
8. To render holy, impart sanctity to (a thing, quality, action or condition); to render legitimate or binding by a religious sanction.
2. To honor as holy; to ascribe holiness to.
3. To manifest (God, his might, etc.) as holy.
4. To consecrate (a thing); to set apart as holy or sacred.
5. To keep (a day, etc.) holy; to keep or to observe as holy.
6. To make (a person) holy, to purify or free from sin; to cause to undergo sanctification.
7. Chiefly in the Old Testament, to free from ceremonial impurity.
8. To render holy, impart sanctity to (a thing, quality, action or condition); to render legitimate or binding by a religious sanction.
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fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
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sanct-, sancti-
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