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1. Acuteness of mental discernment; aptitude for investigation or discovery; keenness and soundness of judgement in the estimation of persons and conditions, and in the adaptation of means to ends; penetration, shrewdness: Floyd was known for his sagacity by having profound knowledge and understanding, coupled with foresight and good judgment.
2. Etymology: from Middle French sagacité which came from Latin sagacitatem, sagacitas, "quality of being acute", from sagax, sagacis, "of quick perception", related to sagus, "prophetic", and sagire, "to perceive keenly".
2. Etymology: from Middle French sagacité which came from Latin sagacitatem, sagacitas, "quality of being acute", from sagax, sagacis, "of quick perception", related to sagus, "prophetic", and sagire, "to perceive keenly".