You searched for: “safety
safety (s) (noun), safeties (pl)
1.A protection from, or not being exposed to, a risk of harm or an injury: "Maggie was assured that the safety of the blender could not cause an electric short."
2. A place or situation where harm, damage, or loss is unlikely.
This entry is located in the following unit: salva-, salv- (page 1)
(in 1946, an eighteen-year-old San Diego High School student wrote an essay in which he asked for plain courtesy when driving)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “safety
seatbelt, seat belt, safety belt
A restraining belt attached to a vehicle seat which is fastened around passengers and which is intended to keep a person in place in order to avoid injuries in accidents where the occupant could be thrown against a solid object.

A seat belt improves a passenger's chance of surviving a crash by 50 to 75 percent, mainly by preventing inertia from throwing the person through the windshield. It also spreads the force of an impact over a larger area of the body, making injuries less severe.

A seat belt also stretches which slows the passenger down with less velocity so the body feels less force.

This entry is located in the following unit: Automobile or Related Car Terms (page 5)