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Units related to:
(Greek > Latin: "tiny spider", mite[s] "itch"; ticks)
(From Latin: "to, toward, a direction toward, an addition to, near, at"; and changes to: "ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, at-" and ad- is also combined with certain words that begin with the letters c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t.)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; a place for; abounding in or connected with something; a place containing or related to that which is specified by the root)
(Greek: eyelid; of or pertaining to the eyelid[s] or eyelash[es])
(Greek > Latin: butter; from bou[s] , "ox, cow" plus tyro[s], "cheese")
(lists of "S" sections that are organized into what for some people are confusing groups of words)
Holy Bible (s) (noun), Holy Bibles (pl)
(This unit consists of the titles of the Old and New Testaments.)
(Greek: containing, or derived from keratin, a highly insoluble scleroprotein that is the main constituent of horny tissues, the nails, and the organic matrix of tooth enamel; derived from Greek kera[s], kerat[os], "horn")
(Latin: eye[s]; sight)
(Greek: eye[s]; sight; see, vision)
(Greek > Modern Latin: abnormal reduction, decrease in, insufficient, deficiency. Originally, the meaning was poverty, need; sometimes it is erroneously or incorrectly rendered as -poenia)
(Greek: art, skill, craft; techne, art, skill, craft; tekton, "builder")
(Greek: heal, cure; treatment; service done to the sick, [a waiting on])
(Greek: bend, curve, turn, a turning; response to stimulus)
(Greek: heaven [s], vault of heaven; hence "the sky"; from Uranus, the god of the sky; in medicine, the palate, roof, or top of the mouth)
Units at Get Words related to:
(modifying or describing parts of speech)
(descriptions of verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs)
(connecting words or groups of words)
(expressing a strong feeling or emphasizing what is shown)
(names of words)
(showing a relationship between words)
(words that take the places of nouns)
(principal forms or tenses, functions, and conjugation formats)