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1. The elements or first principles of a subject; as in the rudiments of grammar.
2. Those points that are first taught to, or acquired by, someone beginning the study or practice of a branch of knowledge, art, etc.
3. A mere beginning, first slight appearance, or undeveloped or imperfect form of something; the rudiments of a plan.
4. The imperfect beginnings of some material or immaterial thing; those parts that are the foundation of later growth or development.
5. In biology, an organ or part which is incompletely developed in size or structure; such as, something that is in an embryonic stage, arrested in growth, or with no functional activity.
2. Those points that are first taught to, or acquired by, someone beginning the study or practice of a branch of knowledge, art, etc.
3. A mere beginning, first slight appearance, or undeveloped or imperfect form of something; the rudiments of a plan.
4. The imperfect beginnings of some material or immaterial thing; those parts that are the foundation of later growth or development.
5. In biology, an organ or part which is incompletely developed in size or structure; such as, something that is in an embryonic stage, arrested in growth, or with no functional activity.
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rudi-, rud-
(page 2)
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(Latin: first principle, rudiment, primitive form)
(Greek: cuckoo; the end of the vertebral column in man and in some apes; the rudiment of a tail)