You searched for:
Names of months and days in Romanian.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Calendar, Month and Day Names in Different Languages
(page 2)

A unit related to:
(Month and Day Names)
Word Entries containing the term:
Romanian (Româna) days
luni (Monday)
marti (Tuesday)
miercuri (Wednesday)
joi (Thursday)
vineri (Friday)
sîmbata (Saturday)
duminica (Sunday)
marti (Tuesday)
miercuri (Wednesday)
joi (Thursday)
vineri (Friday)
sîmbata (Saturday)
duminica (Sunday)
This entry is located in the following unit:
Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages
(page 7)
Romanian (Româna) months
ianuarie (January)
februarie (February)
martie (March)
aprilie (April)
mai (May)
iuni (June)
iulie (July)
august (August)
septembrie (September)
octombrie (October)
noiembrie (November)
decembrie (December)
februarie (February)
martie (March)
aprilie (April)
mai (May)
iuni (June)
iulie (July)
august (August)
septembrie (September)
octombrie (October)
noiembrie (November)
decembrie (December)
This entry is located in the following unit:
Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages
(page 7)