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rescind (verb), rescinds; rescinded; rescinding
1. To remove the validity or authority of something; for example, to state officially that something, such as a law or an agreement, has ended and that it no longer has legal authority: The military base is rescinding its ban against civilians being allowed in the fitness studio on the base.
2. To declare a decision or enactment null and void, or to invalidate an act, a measure, etc. by a later action or a higher authority: The company rescinded its decision to raise wages because of the poor sales results from the year before.
3. Etymology: from Latin rescindere, "to cut off"; from re-, "back" + scindere, "to cut, to split."

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2. To declare a decision or enactment null and void, or to invalidate an act, a measure, etc. by a later action or a higher authority: The company rescinded its decision to raise wages because of the poor sales results from the year before.
3. Etymology: from Latin rescindere, "to cut off"; from re-, "back" + scindere, "to cut, to split."

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