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recent, resent, resent, rescind
recent (REE suhnt) (adjective)
Relating to time or events happening not long ago: The recent headlines in the newspaper were very disturbing.
Kelsey is a recent university graduate who made a recent change in where she is living.
resent (ri SENT) (verb)
To cause to be dispatched again or returned again: The package that came back will need to be resent once the address is corrected.
resent (ri ZENT) (verb)
To express ill will or displeasure at something: The speaker announced, "I resent the implications of that question."
Some people resent being told that they are too old to continue working.
rescind (ri SIND) (verb)
1. To declare that something is invalid by canceling or recalling it: The publisher decided to rescind his previous decision to stop printing the book and agreed to send out 600 copies to the book store.
2. To end a law, contract, agreement, etc. by officially stating that something is no longer valid: The company decided to rescind its offer of pay raises because of the poor economic situation.
2. To end a law, contract, agreement, etc. by officially stating that something is no longer valid: The company decided to rescind its offer of pay raises because of the poor economic situation.
At the recent town hall meeting, Bill Williams asked the town to rescind the tax bill on his factory. The townspeople called out: No! No! We resent that! It's unfair! Unfair!!
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group R; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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scind-, scis-
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rescind (verb), rescinds; rescinded; rescinding
1. To remove the validity or authority of something; for example, to state officially that something, such as a law or an agreement, has ended and that it no longer has legal authority: The military base is rescinding its ban against civilians being allowed in the fitness studio on the base.
2. To declare a decision or enactment null and void, or to invalidate an act, a measure, etc. by a later action or a higher authority: The company rescinded its decision to raise wages because of the poor sales results from the year before.
3. Etymology: from Latin rescindere, "to cut off"; from re-, "back" + scindere, "to cut, to split."

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2. To declare a decision or enactment null and void, or to invalidate an act, a measure, etc. by a later action or a higher authority: The company rescinded its decision to raise wages because of the poor sales results from the year before.
3. Etymology: from Latin rescindere, "to cut off"; from re-, "back" + scindere, "to cut, to split."

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