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require (verb), requires; required; requiring
1. To be in need of something or someone for a particular purpose: The long trip tomorrow requires a good night's sleep.
2. To have something as a necessary precondition: The men were required to dress formally with jackets and ties for the wedding ceremony.
3. To insist that someone do something: Jim was required to arrive at the medical appointment on time or he would have to wait much longer before the doctor could see him if he got there late.
2. To have something as a necessary precondition: The men were required to dress formally with jackets and ties for the wedding ceremony.
3. To insist that someone do something: Jim was required to arrive at the medical appointment on time or he would have to wait much longer before the doctor could see him if he got there late.
This entry is located in the following unit:
quir-, quisit-, quis-, que-, quer-, quest-, -quirement, -quirable, -quisition, -quisitive
(page 5)
(Latin: brisk, active, vigorous, energetic; great effort, requiring much energy, arduous)