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1. Relating to belief in a religion, the teaching of religion, or the practice of a religion.
2. Believing in and showing devotion or reverence for a deity or deities.
3. Imbued with or exhibiting religion; pious; devout; godly; such as, a religious person.
2. Believing in and showing devotion or reverence for a deity or deities.
3. Imbued with or exhibiting religion; pious; devout; godly; such as, a religious person.
This entry is located in the following units:
legi-, -leg-, -ligi-, -lig-, -lect-, -lectic, -lection
(page 7)
-ous, -ious, -eous
(page 18)
Units related to:
(Greek: sacred, holy; religious)
(Greek: sacred, holy; religious)
(Latin: divine, holy; religious; spiritual; heavenly)
(Latin: sacred, holy; religious)
(Greek: image, likeness; form of a person or object; a sacred, holy, or religious representaion)
(Latin: ritus, religious observance or ceremony; custom, usage)
(Latin: from Old French seculer; from Late Latin sæcularis, worldly, living in the world, not belonging to a religious order; from saecularis, pertaining to a generation or age; from saeculum, saeclum, period of a man's life, generation; period of a hundred years)
(Latin: a speaking, talking, delivering religious messages; literally, "that which is put together in a certain order")
(Latin: serious, earnest, sacred, holy; dignified with formality at a ceremonious service or as a religious devotion)
Word Entries containing the term:
religious holiday
"Holiday" comes from Old English haligdæg, from halig, "holy" + dæg, "day".
This entry is located in the following unit:
Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies
(page 18)