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relieve (verb), relieves; relieved; relieving
1. To end, to decrease, or to provide a temporary break from something unpleasant; such as, pain, hunger, tension, or boredom: Monica used a special salve to relieve the discomfort in her elbows and knees.
3. To make a problem less serious: Now city officials need to come up with a way to relieve overcrowding in their schools.
4. To dismiss or to suspend someone from a job or a position: After a near crash of his aircraft, the captain was temporarily relieved of his position.
Jim, what do you think is the best way to relieve stress?
2. To take something or to take things away from someone either by force of the law or by illegal means: After the thief relieved Erin of her purse, the police relieved him of his weapon and put him into jail.3. To make a problem less serious: Now city officials need to come up with a way to relieve overcrowding in their schools.
4. To dismiss or to suspend someone from a job or a position: After a near crash of his aircraft, the captain was temporarily relieved of his position.
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lev-, levi-
(page 3)