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1. A shelter or place of protection from physical danger or weather: While hiking, a thunderstorm suddenly started up and the two girls had to find a refuge in order to protect themselves from the bad rain.
2. Something that offers or appears to offer shielding and safety: When Jim's life became unbearable after losing his job, he and his wife found refuge with her parents who were able to give them some financial support.

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2. Something that offers or appears to offer shielding and safety: When Jim's life became unbearable after losing his job, he and his wife found refuge with her parents who were able to give them some financial support.

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refuge, (verb), refuges; refuged; refuging
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fug-, -fuge, -fugit
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refuge, refugee
refuge (REF yooj) (noun)
A place of shelter and protection in times of crisis: "The church is often seen as a refuge for troubled individuals."
"The lady sought refuge in the library when she wanted peace and quiet."
refugee (ref" yoo JEE) (noun)
An individual who leaves a situation of stress or crisis and seeks protection and shelter elsewhere: "Mildred's aunt was a refugee from the flooded areas of the countryside."
The flood refugee sought refuge in the hills above the river.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group R; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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Word Entries containing the term:
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR
A vast area of land (more than 19 million acres) in northeastern Alaska that is designated by the U.S. as a wildlife sanctuary.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, is currently a focus of debate between those who argue that the entire area should be maintained as wilderness and those who argue that a portion of it (the Coastal Plain) should be opened to oil and gas explorations and production.
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arcto-, arct- +
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