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reflects, reflex
reflects (ri FLEKS) (
1. To return or to give back an image: The new mirror reflects the colors in the room in a fresh manner.
2. To think in a calm and quiet manner: Carolina always reflects on her goals and her progress towards her goals.
3. To cause or to bring about a specific trait in a person: Todd's comment about his opponent reflects well on his sense of integrity and fair play.
4. To express a thought or opinion based on extensive thinking and pondering: After an extensive period of seclusion, Alisa reflects her observations and suggestions to her friends.
reflex (REE fleks") (
1. An automatic response to a stimulus: When the ball was thrown at Marian, her first reflex was to shut her eyes.
2. Something that a person does without thinking as a reaction to a situation: Disagreeing with Jim's suggestions seems to have become a reflex for his colleague at work.
Luis's automatic reflex to say "NO" certainly reflects on his attitude towards new ideas and suggestions.
1. An automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus.
2. Noting or pertaining to an involuntary response to a stimulus, the nerve impulse from a receptor being transmitted inward to a nerve center that in turn transmits it outward to an effector.
3. Occurring in reaction; responsive.
4. Cast back; reflected, as light, color, etc.
5. Bent or turned back.
6. Designating a radio apparatus in which the same circuit or part performs two functions.
Word Entries containing the term:
abdominal reflex
(s) (noun), abdominal reflexes
An involuntary contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall:
Abdominal reflexes occur when the overlying skin is stimulated by stroking or scratching or by tapping neighboring bony structures.
A lack of these reflexes indicates damage to the pyramidal tract or the projection neurones in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus of the brain or two groups of nerve fibers that participate in the complex and delicate coordination of motor activity arising in the brain and passing down through the spinal cord to motor cells.
abdominocardiac reflex
(s) (noun), abdominocardiac reflexes
A change in heart rate, usually a slowing one, resulting from mechanical stimulation of abdominal viscera, which are the soft internal organs in the abdominal cavity: The abdominocardiac reflex is normally a distention and can also cause an occurrence of extrasystoles.
carotid sinus reflex
A neural mechanism in which an increase in blood pressure in the carotid artery at the level of its bifurcation results in a decrease in heart beat.
carotid-body reflex
1. A normal chemical reflex initiated by a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood and, to a lesser degree, by increased carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion concentrations that act on chemoreceptors at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries.
The resulting nerve impulses cause the respiratory center in the medulla to increase respiratory activity.
convulsive reflex
(s) (noun), convulsive reflexes
Incoordinate contraction of muscles in a convulsive manner.
gluteal reflex
The contraction of the gluteus muscles that result when the back is stroked.
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plantar reflex
(s) (noun), plantar reflexes
A reaction to a touch on the soles or base of the feet that results in the movements of the toes: Plantar reflexes include a stroking or tender rubbing of the outer surfaces of the bottoms of the feet resulting in an automatic instinctive reaction to the stimuli.
pupillary reflex
1. Contraction of the pupil in response to stimulation of the retina by light.
2. Contraction of the pupil when an attempt to close the eye is made.
reflex vasodilatation
The expansion of the blood vessels caused by a reflex-mediated relaxation in the musculature of the vessel wall.
vesical reflex
The reflex or automatic response of the urinary bladder to empty itself, induced by distension of the organ to a certain capacity or degree, normally controlled by voluntary inhibition and release.
viscerocardiac reflex
(s) (noun), viscerocardiac reflexes
Alteration in the activity of the heart in response to stimulation of another internal organ.
visceromotor reflex
(s) (noun), visceromotor reflexes
An increase in the normal tension of the tissues of the abdominal muscles resulting from painful stimuli: The bloating of the calf's stomach took place because it was over eating and so its visceromotor reflex was caused by belching gas.
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mot-, moto-, -motile, -motility, -motorial, -motoric, -motive, -motored; mov-
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viscer-, viscero-, visceri-, visc-
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viscerosensory reflex
(s) (noun), viscerosensory reflexes
A form of pain in which stimuli within the stomach area causes painful reactions when the stomach is touched or if any pressure is applied to another external region of the body: The tender and smarting
viscerosensory reflexes were a result of somatic structures (skin and muscle) that came from a malfunctioning internal organ.
During the manual abdominal examination, Dr. Tall pressed firmly on various sectors of Jane's abdomen causing a viscerosensory reflex in her, and she winced and twisted away from the doctor's probing hands.
According to the medical examiner, there appeared to be a cyst under the patient's skin of her right hand which resulted in a viscerosensory reflex when it was touched by the dermatologist.