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1. A condition or relationship of a mutual dependence or action or influence: The two friends shared an apartment and the reciprocity of getting along and helping each other in the home proved to be successful for a long time.
2. A cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations: The two countries did business and had transactions with goods and services with each other and this common reciprocity equally benefited them and existed for many years.
3. An arrangement in personal licensure whereby one jurisdiction accepts another jurisdiction's prior issuance: Both countries agreed on a reciprocity, allowing an individual to practice medicine and not being required to demonstrate again through examination or otherwise, that he or she has met minimum levels of competence required for a license.
4. An arrangement between governments whereby their nationals are entitled to certain stated medical care or other benefits on an agreed basis: Within the European Community there exists a reciprocity whereby the citizens are allowed to cross the boarders between the different countries without having to prove their identity with using their passports, which is a great advantage for everybody!
5. In anthropology, a system in which the exchange of goods is conducted within the groups of a society or community according to a prescribed ritual: Reciprocity is a non-market trading between people in countries or even in the home when gifts are given to each other for Christmas or as birthday presents.

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2. A cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations: The two countries did business and had transactions with goods and services with each other and this common reciprocity equally benefited them and existed for many years.
3. An arrangement in personal licensure whereby one jurisdiction accepts another jurisdiction's prior issuance: Both countries agreed on a reciprocity, allowing an individual to practice medicine and not being required to demonstrate again through examination or otherwise, that he or she has met minimum levels of competence required for a license.
4. An arrangement between governments whereby their nationals are entitled to certain stated medical care or other benefits on an agreed basis: Within the European Community there exists a reciprocity whereby the citizens are allowed to cross the boarders between the different countries without having to prove their identity with using their passports, which is a great advantage for everybody!
5. In anthropology, a system in which the exchange of goods is conducted within the groups of a society or community according to a prescribed ritual: Reciprocity is a non-market trading between people in countries or even in the home when gifts are given to each other for Christmas or as birthday presents.

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Reciprocity in the news: "Talking tough on trade, Paris seeks 'reciprocity' "
The French agriculture minister Thursday (May 31, 2007) warned that France could use its veto powers to block a global trade deal that did not protect European agricultural interests.
The French minister, Christine Lagarde, said, "The need for reciprocity is imperative. We will not see a breakthrough in global trade talks until we see exact figures from the United States that show reciprocity and balance."
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