You searched for: “really
1. In actual truth or fact; especially, as distinct from what has been believed by some people: "The koala bear isn't really a bear."
2. Truly, genuinely: used to emphasize the truthfulness or accuracy of what is being said: "We went for a walk up that really steep hill."
3. Used to emphasize the extent to which something is true: "That's really an interesting trip."
4. In order to act in the correct or proper manner: "They really should let the authorities know about this traffic-light problem."
This entry is located in the following unit: real- (page 2)
really (usage)
"Did he really say that?"
"Really, he's the most exasperating person I know."

Synonyms that apply to really: actually, in fact, truly, truthfully, genuinely; literally, indeed; surely, certainly, positively, unquestionably, absolutely, categorically.

—Compiled from a presentation made by
Reader's Digest Family Word Finder; The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.;
Pleasantville, New York; 1975; page 647.
This entry is located in the following unit: real- (page 2)