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ramus, branch
An offshoot or subdivision arising from the bifurcation of a blood vessel, a lymph vessel, or a nerve.
In anatomy, a branch; such as, a branch of a blood vessel or nerve. An example is the ramus acetabularis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis is the branch of an artery that goes to the socket of the hip joint.
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(Latin: branch, branches, or a forked structure; ramus (singular), rami (plural); a general term for a smaller structure given off by a larger one, or into which the larger structure; such as, a blood vessel or nerve, divides)
Word Entries containing the term:
anterior ramus
A primary division of a spinal nerve that supplies the lateral and ventral portions of the body wall, limbs, and perineum (the region of the abdomen surrounding the urogenital and anal openings).
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bronchial ramus
One of the collateral branches of each primary bronchus.
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mandibular ramus
The vertical portion of the mandible (the lower jaw of a human or animal, usually containing a single bone).
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meningeal ramus
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that re-enters the vertebral foramen (large opening in a vertebra formed by its body and its arch) and supplies the meninges and vertebral column.
Meninges are a series of membranous layers of connective tissue that protect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Damage or infection to the meninges; such as, in meningitis, can cause serious neurological damage and even death.
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posterior ramus
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that supplies the muscles and skin of the back of the body.
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ramus communicans, white ramus communicans, gray ramus communicans
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that connects with a sympathetic ganglion (a structure that contains a dense cluster of nerve cells).
Each one consists of a white portion (white ramus communicans) composed of myelinated pregangionic sympathetic fibers and a gray portion (gray ramus communicans) composed of unmyelinated postganglionic fibers.
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ramus of the mandible
1. One of the two prominent, projecting back parts of the horse-shoe-shaped lower jaw bone.
2. A quadrilateral process projecting upwards from the posterior part of either side of the mandible.
2. A quadrilateral process projecting upwards from the posterior part of either side of the mandible.
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