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preview, purview, purvey
preview (PREE vyoo") (noun)
1. An advance showing, as of a movie or art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins: Dennis had the opportunity of seeing the motion picture at a special preview.
2. An introductory or preliminary message, sample, or overview; a foretaste: The magazine includes a preview of the newest fall fashions.
2. An introductory or preliminary message, sample, or overview; a foretaste: The magazine includes a preview of the newest fall fashions.
purview (PUR vyoo") (noun)
1. The range of a manoeuvre, authority, control, concern, etc.: The CIA drones won't cease operating, but a separate group of drones will now be under the purview of the Defense Department and, for the first time, will be allowed to venture beyond the border areas.
2. The full scope or compass of any document, statement, subject, book, etc.: The moral dilemmas of the early settlers are beyond the purview of the present publication.
2. The full scope or compass of any document, statement, subject, book, etc.: The moral dilemmas of the early settlers are beyond the purview of the present publication.
purvey (puhr VAY, PUR vay") (verb)
To publish or to pass on news, especially gossip, scandal, or other kinds of information that people generally feel should not be circulated: The blog kept trying to purvey personal details about well-known people.
Marina, will you allow Sam to preview your new book? He sees the purview is the development of settlements along the river.
Once Isaac has had the opportunity to preview Ingrid's book, with her permission, he will purvey his impressions to a wider audience.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group P; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
(page 8)
1. To provide or to supply foods, goods, and services; especially, as a business.
2. To publish or to pass on news or information; for example, gossip, scandal, or other kinds of information that people generally feel should not be circulated.
2. To publish or to pass on news or information; for example, gossip, scandal, or other kinds of information that people generally feel should not be circulated.
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vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu-
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