You searched for: “purpose
propose, purpose
propose (pruh POHZ) (verb)
1. To make a request or suggestion for marriage: Richard's friend was determined to propose marriage to the girl he loved.
2. To suggest or to bring forward a plan to accomplish something: The city engineer was determined to propose the building of a new bridge.
3. To bring an idea to an individual or a group for discussion: Walt decided to propose that the group take a break and meet again the next day and to see if they can come to an agreement.
4. To nominate: The committee of peers will propose the name of the professor to be granted the fellowship to study polar bears.
5. To toast or to acknowledge in a speech: The master of ceremonies rose to propose a toast to the retiring member of the board.
purpose (PUR puhs) (noun)
1. A meaningful aim or goal: Henry's purpose in going to a university was to become a lawyer.
2. A subject for discussion or for accomplishment: The purpose of the meeting at the city hall was to discuss raising property taxes.
3. Determination: Albert walked with a purpose while he was returning to the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to propose a merger of the two branches of this industry as a cost-saving measure.

purpose (s) (noun), purposes (pl)
1. The reason or rationale for doing something: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the suggestions that others have made for replanting the park.
2. Individual determination or resolve to achieve a goal: Leah's purpose in practicing the piano for six hours every day was that she wanted to be a concert pianist.
A unit related to: “purpose
(Latin: cause, reason, purpose; judicial process, lawsuit)
(Latin: strong, hard, solid; steadfast or unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve)