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pulmo-, pulmoni-, pulmono-, pulmon-, -pulmonary, -pulmonic
(page 1)
(Latin: lung, lungs)
Word Entries containing the term:
anomalous pulmonary venoius drainage
Drainage of one or more of the pulmonary veins into a structure other than the left atrium (usually the right atrium or the superior vena cava).
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anomalo-, anomal-
(page 1)
Infestation of the lungs of animals with mites: Pulmonary acariasis is common in monkeys in the wild state, especially rhesu monkeys and baboons.
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acaro-, acar-, acari-, acarin-
(page 3)
pulmonary infarction
Localized necrosis of lung tissue, due to obstruction of the arterial blood supply.
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farc-, fars-
(page 2)
pulmonary infarction
An infarction in the lung usually resulting from pulmonary embolism.
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farc-, fars-
(page 3)
The great vessel that comes up from the right ventricle of the heart: "The pulmonary trunk branches to the right and to the left pulmonary arteries of the lungs."
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trunc-, truncat-
(page 1)
pulmonic regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation
A reverse flow of blood from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle.
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gurgit-, gurg-
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