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1. The science that deals with the perceptions of sounds and the productions of speech: In the local university, there is a course offered on psychoacoustics into which many speech therapists enroll.
3. The scientific investigation of the way in which animals and humans hear, particularly the reception and analysis of the input signals: Dr. Laurie specialized in psychoacoustics, studying the relationship that existed between sound receptions and the biological processing of sounds.
While working in the mental health unit at the hospital, Dr. Kitchen observed patients when different kinds of music was played, hoping to write a scientific paper on psychoacoustics for a professional journal.
2. A discipline combining experimental psychology and physics that deals with the physical features of sound as related to audition, as well as with the physiology and psychology of sound receptor processes: The local university's psychology and physiology departments were the primary organizers of an international convention that was being planned in the city for scientists and practitioners of psychoacoustics."3. The scientific investigation of the way in which animals and humans hear, particularly the reception and analysis of the input signals: Dr. Laurie specialized in psychoacoustics, studying the relationship that existed between sound receptions and the biological processing of sounds.
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