You searched for: “provide
1. To supply someone with something, or be a source of things that are needed or wanted by someone.
2. To require something in advance as a condition or as part of a contract.
3. To take precautions to prevent harm or to bring about good; such as, to provide against a potential disaster.
4. To supply the material means of support for someone: "She provides for her children by working at two jobs."
5. Etymology: from Latin providere, "to look ahead, to see ahead, to prepare in advance, to supply"; literally, "to see ahead"; from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".
(Greek: in, into, inward; within; near, at; to put, to go into, or to cover with; as, entomb, encamp, enfold; to provide with; as, to enlighten; to cause to be; as, to enlarge; thoroughly; as, enmesh; in, within, into; as enzootic)
(from the depths of the ocean floors to the highest mountains, from dry deserts to grasslands, and the warm and wet tropical areas; all provide each form of life its preferred habitat)
(John Robertson, a committed lexicographer who is utilizing the past and the present to provide word information for our modern age)
Word Entries containing the term: “provide
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Completed Units of Special Compositions.
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