You searched for: “prostration
prosthesis, prostration
prosthesis (prahs THEE sis) (noun)
An artificial device that is used as a substitute for a body part; such as, an arm: The occupational therapist helped her client learn to walk with the new prosthesis which Janet needed after losing her left leg in a boating accident.
prostration (prah STRAY shuhn) (noun)
The result of someone becoming weak or powerless: The campers suffered from heat prostration and exhaustion.

The patient found it difficult to adjust to the new prosthesis; in fact, Willie sat down in a state of prostration at the end of his first therapy session.

prostration (s) (noun), prostrations (pl)
1. A condition in which someone is laying flat on his or her face or bowing very low.
2. Something that causes a person to become physically or emotionally weak or helpless.