You searched for: “property
A unit related to: “property
(Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective)
(Latin: cattle, property in cattle; private property; money; particular)
Word Entries containing the term: “property
mechanical property
1. Any property of a material which influences its behavior when it is exposed to external forces; such as, its hardness or elasticity.
2. A property which involves a relationship between stress and strain or a reaction to an applied force.
This entry is located in the following unit: mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin- (page 4)
real estate, R.E.; real property, realty
Landed property, including all inherent natural resources and any man-made improvements established for it.
This entry is located in the following unit: real- (page 1)