You searched for: “program
1. A formal set of procedures for conducting an activity.
2. To express (a task or operation) in terms appropriate to its performance by a computer or other automatic device; to cause (an activity or property) to be automatically regulated in a prescribed way.
program, program, pogrom
program (PROH grahm"; PROH gruhm) (noun)
1. A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation; schedule, order of events, things to be done, agenda, plan; timetable; prospectus: Today's program includes a tour of San Francisco.
2. List of players, list of selections: The ushers gave everyone a program for the evening's performance.
3. Show, presentation, production; series: Ronda Scott indicated that there would be a change in the program for the fall television schedule.
program (PROH grahm"; PROH gruhm) (verb)
To schedule, arrange, book, slate: Someone will program Tracie to appear on the show the following week.
pogrom (puh GRAHM; POH gruhm) (noun)
A planned campaign of persecution or extermination sanctioned by a government and directed against a special ethnic group: With the success of the Bolshevik Revolution, pogroms ceased in the Soviet Union; they were revived in Germany and Poland after Adolf Hitler gained power.

The word pogrom is a Russian term, originally meaning "riot", which came to be applied to a series of violent attacks on Jews in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The local theater has scheduled a creative and challenging program this year including a play about a pogrom in Poland that took place in the last century.

(new biometrics program will look for perspiration on fingers)
Word Entries containing the term: “program
heuristic program (s) (noun), heuristic programs
In computer programming, a program that provides the framework for a trial-and-error approach to problem solving, based on guesses of likely solutions.