You searched for: “product
1. In mathematics, the quantity obtained by multiplying two or more quantities together. Also, more widely, applied to other mathematical entities (as events, matrices, permutations, sets, tensors, vectors, etc.) obtained by certain defined processes of combination of two or more entities, the processes not necessarily being commutative and the entities combined not necessarily being of the same kind.
2. A thing produced by nature or a natural process; also in a collective sense; such as, produce, fruit.
3. That which is produced by any action, operation, or work; a production; the result. Now freq. that which is produced commercially for sale.
4. That which results from the operation of a cause; a consequence, effect.
5. In chemistry, a compound not previously existing in a body, but formed during its decomposition.
(Latin: suffix; forming nouns and verbs; an action done; the product of or a result of some kind of material or a process of doing something)
(Latin: suffix; quality of, act of, process, function, condition, or place; forms nouns that denote an action; a product of an action; a place, an abode)
(Greek (khylos) > Latin (chylus): juice, to pour; pertaining to chyle, the milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat that is a product of the digestive process)
(toilet paper is a very modern product of convenience)
Word Entries containing the term: “product
electronic product code, EPC
A serial, created by the Auto-ID Center, that will complement barcodes.

The EPC has digits to identify the manufacturer, product category and the individual item.

gross domestic product (GDP) (s) (noun), gross domestic products (pl)
The total value of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States: As long as the gross domestic product and the labor and property are located in the United States, the supplier (that is, the workers and, for property, the owners) may be either U.S. residents or residents of foreign countries.
This entry is located in the following unit: gross (page 1)
gross national product (GNP) (s) (noun), gross national products (pl)
The total value of goods and services produced by a nation's economy before the deduction or depreciation charges and other allowances for capital consumption: The gross national product includes the total purchases of goods and services by private consumers and government, gross private domestic capital investment, and net monetary receipts from foreign trading.

This entry is located in the following unit: gross (page 1)
universal product code, UPC
The barcode standard used in North America.

It is administered by the Uniform Code Council.

Word Entries at Get Words: “product
The result of a multiplication problem.
This entry is located in the following unit: Measurements and Mathematics Terms (page 8)