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process (verb), processes; processed; processing
1. A series of continuous actions directed toward a specific objective which bring about a particular result, end, or condition."
2. A series of natural occurrences that produce change or development.
3. The entire proceedings in a lawsuit.
4. A summons or writ ordering someone to appear in court.
5. In biology, a part that naturally grows on or sticks out on an organism.
6. Etymology: "fact of being carried on"; that is "in process", from Old French proces, "journey"; from Latin processus, "process, advance, progress"; from the past participle stem of procedere, "to go forward".
2. A series of natural occurrences that produce change or development.
3. The entire proceedings in a lawsuit.
4. A summons or writ ordering someone to appear in court.
5. In biology, a part that naturally grows on or sticks out on an organism.
6. Etymology: "fact of being carried on"; that is "in process", from Old French proces, "journey"; from Latin processus, "process, advance, progress"; from the past participle stem of procedere, "to go forward".
This entry is located in the following units:
-cede, -ceed, -cess, -cease
(page 5)
pro-, por-, pur-
(page 4)
(Greek idein > Latin idea; the result of a mental processes)
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")
Word Entries containing the term:
activated sludge process, actilvated sludge effluent (s) (noun); activated sludge processes; actilvated sludge effluents (pl)
A widely used method for sewage treatment that raises the level of biological activity: An activated sludge process takes place due to an increase of contact between wastewater and actively growing micro-organisms.
This entry is located in the following units:
ag-, agen-, act-, agi-, agit-
(page 1)
fluct-, flucti-, -flux, flu-, flum-, -fluent, -fluence
(page 1)
Biomimetics: Imitating Biological Processes
Perspectives about how some scientists are utilizing the forces of nature through biomimetics or biomimesis; that is, mimicking nature with technology.
Don't confuse this field of science with a similar term known as biometrics.
This entry is located in the following units:
bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(page 23)
Biomimetics: Index of Natural Imitations
(page 1)
mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically
(page 1)
The physical and chemical interactions between the Earth's surface and the natural forces acting upon it to produce landforms: The geomorphic processes are determined by such natural environmental variables as geology, climate, vegetation and baselevel, to say nothing of human interference. The nature of the process and the rate at which it operates will be influenced by a change in any of these variables.
This entry is located in the following units:
geo-, ge- +
(page 15)
morpho-, morph-, -morphous, -morphically, -morphia, -morphosis, -morphously, -morphy, -morphic, -morphism
(page 9)
(judicial or legal words that may apply to trial processes that determine the guilt or innocence of people which is ascertained by either judges or juries)
(there is much more to learn about the mysterious processes of sleep and the things that disturb it)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Cognition or Processes of Sensory Input Terms
Cognition Theory and Applications by Stephen K. Reed; Thomson Learning, Inc.: 2004.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Bibliography or Lists of Glossary-Term Sources
(page 1)