2. Of or limited to one person; not available for public use, control, or participation.
3. Designed or intended for one's exclusive use.
4. Of or confined to the individual; personal; such as, a private joke; private opinions.
5. Undertaken on an individual basis; such as, private studies or private research.
6. Referring to, relating to, or receiving special hospital services and privileges; such as, a private patient.
7. Not available for public use, control, or participation.
8. Belonging to a particular person or people, as opposed to the public or the government.
9. Relating to, or derived from non-government sources; such as, private funding.
10. Conducted and supported primarily by individuals or groups not affiliated with any governmental agencies or corporations; as, a private college; a private sanatorium.
11. Not for public knowledge or disclosure; secret.
12. Etymology: Latin privus meant "single, individual".
From this element, the verb privare was derived and it provided the source of English deprive and privation.
This originally meant "make solitary, isolate", and although it later moved on metaphorically to "bereave, deprive", its earliest sense was preserved in the adjective formed from its past participle privatus.
This denoted "belonging to the individual alone"; therefore, "not belonging or related to the state (government)". English acquired the word twice: first, via Old French, as the now almost archaic privy, and later, directly from Latin, as private.
"Privilege" came via Old French privilege from Latin privilegium, a compound formed from privus and lex, "law" (source of English legal) which etymologically meant "law affecting an individual".
Services include everything from protecting and growing someone's assets in the present, to planning retirement and passing wealth on to future generations.
There are several ways of implementing a virtual private network (VPN) but the data will usually be encrypted to prevent them from being read as they pass across the public parts of the internet.