You searched for: “privacy
privacy (s) (noun), privacies (pl)
1. Seclusion or isolation from the view of, or from contact with, others: Jane wanted her sister to stay out of her bedroom so that she could have her privacy.
2. The freedom from unwished for or undue disturbance in one's life: Since the Lawson family lived in a little village where everyone knew everyone else, it was difficult to protect their privacy from the other people living there.

Some people think there should be laws to limit the magazines' or newspapers' liberty to intrude into the privacy of the lives of individuals.

This entry is located in the following units: -acy, -cy (page 5) privat-, priv- + (page 1)
(Leo the lion does not want anyone or anything to intrude into his territory)
Word Entries containing the term: “privacy
Animals: Lion Wants Privacy
The lion does not want anyone or anything to intrude into his territory.
This entry is located in the following unit: Animal Index (page 1)
consumer privacy
1. Laws and regulations that seek to protect an individual from loss of privacy due to failures or limitations of corporate customer privacy measures.
2. Consumer privacy, also known as customer privacy, involves the handling and protection of sensitive personal information that individuals provide in the course of everyday business transactions.

This involves the exchange or use of data electronically or by any other means, including telephone, fax, written correspondence, and even direct word of mouth.

Gradually, customer privacy measures alone have proven to be insufficient to deal with the many hazards of corporate data sharing, corporate mergers, employee turnover, theft of hard drives, or other data-carrying hardware from job locations.

With the advent and evolution of the internet and other electronic methods of mass communications, consumer privacy has become a major issue.

Personal information, when misused or inadequately protected, can result in identity theft, financial fraud, and other problems that collectively cost people around the world, businesses, and governments great financial losses each year.

This entry is located in the following units: privat-, priv- + (page 1) sum-, -sum- (page 1)
invasion of privacy
1. The wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs with which the public has no concern.
2. An encroachment upon the right to be left alone or to be free from publicity.
This entry is located in the following unit: privat-, priv- + (page 1)