You searched for: “prerosacea
prerosacea (s) (noun), prerosaceas (pl)
A relapsing, chronic cutaneous disorder that causes redness of the face: "Most patients with prerosaceas have been afflicted from their youth with the sudden reddening of their faces which normally passed away quickly."

"Flares are usually caused by such things as weather (ultraviolet radiations/sun, cold, strong winds, excessive humidity), emotional influences (strong emotions, stresses, and anxieties), heat (saunas, hot baths, overheating, warm environments), beverages (such as, alcohol; especially red wine, beer, bourbon, gin, vodka, champagne), hot drinks (hot cider, hot chocolate, tea, coffee); foods (liver, dairy products, hot or spicy foods, vegetables, fruits), tobacco, certain medications (injected radioopaque iodides, topical corticosteroids), or abnormal physical exertion; such as, exercise, sports, or jobs requiring lifting and/or loading."

This entry is located in the following unit: roseo-, ros- (page 1)