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prepose (verb), preposes; preposed; preposing
1. To affix a prefix to something: Mrs. Smith told her student, Jill, that she would need to prepose "dis" to the word "cover" in order to create another word known as "discover".
2. To place a word, or words, before another one in a sentence: When writing a formal letter, be sure to prepose the title of the addressee correctly.
3. To make an advanced arrangement: Mr. and Mrs. Lawson's plans preposed Susan's suggestion that they go together to the ice rink the following day.
2. To place a word, or words, before another one in a sentence: When writing a formal letter, be sure to prepose the title of the addressee correctly.
3. To make an advanced arrangement: Mr. and Mrs. Lawson's plans preposed Susan's suggestion that they go together to the ice rink the following day.
This entry is located in the following units:
pon-, posit-, pos-, -poning, -poned, -ponency, -ponent, -ponement, -pound
(page 9)
pre-, prae-
(page 13)