You searched for: “preferred
prefer (verb), prefers; preferred; preferring
To value or to choose one thing over something else: Joan decided she'd prefer chocolate pie instead of cookies.

The broker at the bank, Mr. Smith, consistently prefers investment certificates rather than savings accounts.

This entry is located in the following units: -fer, -ferous (page 6) pre-, prae- (page 8)
(from the depths of the ocean floors to the highest mountains, from dry deserts to grasslands, and the warm and wet tropical areas; all provide each form of life its preferred habitat)
Word Entries containing the term: “preferred
unauspicious [inauspicious is the preferred spelling] (s) (adjective)
Not favorable, not successful: "Steve's unauspicious hopes indicated his pessimism about the undertaking."
unauspiciously [inauspiciously is the preferred spelling] (adverb)
Unfortunately, unfavorably: "After losing so much money, Roger decided that his success as a gambler had been unauspiciously determined."