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1. The act of offering reverent petitions; especially, to God or a deity.
2. The act of beseeching earnestly; an entreaty.
3. Communion with God and recognition of His presence, as in praise, thanksgiving, intercession, etc.
4. The act of communicating with a deity; especially, as a petition or in adoration, contrition, or thanksgiving.
5. A religious observance in which praying predominates: William and his family had their morning prayers today.
2. The act of beseeching earnestly; an entreaty.
3. Communion with God and recognition of His presence, as in praise, thanksgiving, intercession, etc.
4. The act of communicating with a deity; especially, as a petition or in adoration, contrition, or thanksgiving.
5. A religious observance in which praying predominates: William and his family had their morning prayers today.
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pray-, preca-
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(Latin: to ask, to entreat; ask earnestly, entreaty, beg; request, petition, pray, prayer)
Word Entries containing the term:
prayer beads (noun) (a plural used as a singular)
A string of beads for keeping count of the prayers one is saying; a rosary.
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1. A book containing religious prayers.
2. A Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer: The Anglican service book of the Church of England; which has had several revisions since the Reformation and is widely admired for the dignity and beauty of its language.
2. A Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer: The Anglican service book of the Church of England; which has had several revisions since the Reformation and is widely admired for the dignity and beauty of its language.
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An evangelical service; especially, one held on a weekday evening, in which the members of a church participate by singing, praying, or testifying their faith.
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A small rug used by Moslems to kneel and to prostrate themselves upon during devotional services.
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A cylinder containing, or inscribed with prayers or litanies, that is revolved on its axis for devotions; especially, by Tibetan Buddhists.
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