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1. Situated in back of, or in the back part of, a structure.
2. The fleshy part of the human body that that a person sits on.
3. At or near the hind end in quadrupeds or toward the spine in primates.
4. In humans and other bipeds, towards the back surface of the body; also called, the dorsal.
5. In quadrupeds, a term sometimes used as a synonym for caudal.
2. The fleshy part of the human body that that a person sits on.
3. At or near the hind end in quadrupeds or toward the spine in primates.
4. In humans and other bipeds, towards the back surface of the body; also called, the dorsal.
5. In quadrupeds, a term sometimes used as a synonym for caudal.
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-or; -our (primarily British)
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postero-, poster-
(page 1)
posterior (poh STIR ee uhr) (adjective)
1. Situated in the back or on the back part of an organ.
2. Etymology: "later," from Latin posterior, "after, later, behind"; comparative of posterus, "coming after, subsequent"; from post, "after"; poster, "back" or "toward the back" + -ior, "a reference to" or "pertaining to".
2. Etymology: "later," from Latin posterior, "after, later, behind"; comparative of posterus, "coming after, subsequent"; from post, "after"; poster, "back" or "toward the back" + -ior, "a reference to" or "pertaining to".
The pancreas is located posterior to (behind) the stomach and it is also used in reference to the dorsal surface of the body.
Posterior is the opposite of anterior.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Medical Terms and Their Essential Word Parts
(page 1)

A unit related to:
(Greek: backward; behind, at the back, after, posterior)
(Latin: ring, an iron ring for the feet; circle; (so called because of its form); usually the posterior opening of the alimentary canal through which undigested food is voided; the anus)
(Latin: after, behind, following; denoting relationship to the posterior or back part)
(Greek: rump, bottom; rear end; behind part; the posterior or back part of the body)
Word Entries containing the term:
chronic posterior laryngitis
A form of laryngitis involving principally the interarytenoid area; thought to be caused by regurgitation of gastric contents.
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laryng-, laryngo- +
(page 1)
craniopagus parasiticus, craniopagus posterior (also, epicomus, miodidymus, and miodymus)
Unequal, conjoined twins in which the smaller or incomplete twin is attached as a parasite to the occipital region (back part of the head) of the more nearly normal twin.
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cranio-, crani-, cran- +
(page 3)
The opening in an insect's head that goes to the thoracic cavity (part of an insect’s body where its legs and wings are joined): "The entomologist was studying the various posterior foramina of insects to classify the differences between one species and the others."
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for-, fora- +
(page 2)
posterior nares
The opening between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx.
posterior ramus
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that supplies the muscles and skin of the back of the body.
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rami-, ram-
(page 1)
1. The most effective contact of the molar and bicuspid teeth of both jaws that allows for all the natural movements of the jaws which are essential to normal mastication and closure.
2. Malocclusion in which the mandibular arch is in a posterior (distal or remote) position in relation to the maxillary arch.
2. Malocclusion in which the mandibular arch is in a posterior (distal or remote) position in relation to the maxillary arch.
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clud-, claud-, claus-, clos-, -clude, -clois, -cluding, -cluded, -clus, -clusion, -clusive
(page 6)
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postero-, poster-
(page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words:
The back or behind, as opposed to the anterior or front of the body.
This entry is located in the following unit:
Medical Orientation Words with Reference to the Body
(page 2)