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1. A town or city where sea vessels stop to load and to unload cargo: The Los Angeles port receives a great deal of goods for distribution to the rest of the United States.
2. A part of a computer in which a cable is inserted so a user can connect another piece of equipment: Bert placed a connection to his printer in the right port of his computer.
3. The side of a ship or aircraft which is on the left side when a person is looking toward the front: The part that is the opposite of the right side of a ship, called the "starboard", is known as the port side. 4. An aperture in the wall of a building or vehicle typically used for the discharge of weapons or for looking through: When the ship came into harbor, Victoria peeked through the port of her quarters to look at the buildings on the shore.
3. The side of a ship or aircraft which is on the left side when a person is looking toward the front: The part that is the opposite of the right side of a ship, called the "starboard", is known as the port side. 4. An aperture in the wall of a building or vehicle typically used for the discharge of weapons or for looking through: When the ship came into harbor, Victoria peeked through the port of her quarters to look at the buildings on the shore.
port (verb), ports; ported; porting
To hold, or to carry, a weapon (gun or sword) diagonally across the body, with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder: "During the military parade, Thomas noted everyone ported their weapons in port diagonally across their bodies, with the muzzles or blades near the left shoulder."
(Latin: door, gate, entrance; harbor)
(Latin: carry, bring, bear)
Word Entries containing the term:
nevus flammeus, port-wine stain
1. A large congenital vascular malformation nevus having a purplish color.
It is usually found on the head and neck and persists throughout life.
2. A large reddish-purple discoloration of the face or neck, usually not elevated above the skin.It is considered a serious deformity due to its large size and color. In children, these have been treated with the flashlamp-pulsed tunable dye laser.
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naevus, nevus, nevo-, nev- +
(page 2)
A small pocketbook or a purse for carrying coins: Yvonne collected various coins as mementoes and she kept them in her port-monnaie as she travelled to various foreign countries.
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port-, portat-
(page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term:
Greek: door, gate, entrance; harbor; in this unit.
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Completed Units in Word Info and Get Words Sites That Have Been Enhanced and Upgraded
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port-, portat-
Latin: carry, bring, bear; in this unit.
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Completed Units in Word Info and Get Words Sites That Have Been Enhanced and Upgraded
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