The living conditions for the refugees in the large city were poor and very unsatisfactory.
The children felt very poor because they did not have the latest TV model.
2. Not good in quality or condition; bad: Harry's poor state of health makes it impossible for him to find a job.The driver couldn't see the road sign because of his poor and feeble vision.
3. Referring to someone or something as to show sympathy: Leave the poor man alone, because he can't help it if he can't walk faster.I wonder how those poor birds find food during the winter when the snow covers everything.
Ernest sat quietly in the comfortable chair in order to pore over the sad news from home.
2. To flow or to dispense from a container: The maid was careful to pour the tea from the pot into the new cups.
3. To give uninhibited expression to: The two friends agreed to meet and to pour out their concerns to each other.
4. To come continuously: Compliments about the new fashion designs seemed to pour in every day.
The librarian exclaimed, "You poor dear, having to sit in the library all day to pore over these ancient documents. You must come down to my office so I can pour you a cup of tea."
Ptochoprodromus wrote many pieces for a widespread circle of patrons at the imperial court. Some of his creations that have emerged present the figure of an author in reduced circumstances, with a marked propensity for begging, and who was in close touch with the ruling court circles during the reigns of John II (1118–43) and Manuel I (1143–80).
Prodromus' writings, which were often produced on the occasion of some public event, provide historians with information about many aspects of contemporary history; both at home and abroad, including details about the genealogy of individual personalities, and on everyday social and economic life.
There was a strongly satirical element in his works, which ranged from epigrams and dialogues to letters and occasional pieces in both prose and verse. He had a strong sense of humor, and his comments are said to be shrewd and pithy.