You searched for: “polish
Names of months and days in Polish.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar, Month and Day Names in Different Languages (page 2)
Relating to Poland, or its people, language, or culture.
This entry is located in the following unit: -ish (page 3)
polish (s) (noun), polishes (pl)
1. A material or substance that is used to make a glazed and varnished surface when it is rubbed on the top of something: Brian was looking for more polish so he could shine his shoes.

Mr. Gregory, the salesman, made sure that all of the available wooden furniture in the store was shiny with the best polish available.

2. A good quality that comes from efforts or good practices: The movie star still has the polish in the film that people expected to see.
3. An action that involves making something glossy: Lance, the artist, gave his statue another polish before the museum opened the exhibition for the public.
This entry is located in the following unit: poli- (page 1)
polish (verb), polishes; polished; polishing
1. To make the surface of something smooth and lustrous by rubbing it: Timothy and Gregory polished their shoes before going to the dance.

Mike and his sister were polishing the silverware in preparation for the family banquet for the following day.

2. To refine, to improve, or to add the finishing touches to something by making it better: Joe's son needs to polish up his German before he takes his exam in school in the ensuing week.

The musical group polished up some new songs in preparation for the performance that was coming soon.

3. Etymology: from Old French poliss- and polir-, "to polish, to decorate"; from Latin polio, "to make smooth, to decorate, to embellish"; figuratively, "to refine, to improve".
This entry is located in the following unit: poli- (page 1)
polish, Polish
They must polish the Polish furniture.
This entry is located in the following unit: Confusing Words of homographs and heteronyms (page 1)
polish, Polish
polish (PAHL ish) (verb)
1. To perfect, to shine, to make glossy or refined: Fred will use a soft cloth to polish the furniture.
2. To improve something by making it better than it was before: Willie and Ralph need to polish up some areas in their project before they can say that they are finished with it.
polish (PAHL ish) (noun)
1. The confident and cultured manner of a person's behavior and language; not coarse or rude: Harriet's speech reflected the polish of her fine education and training.
2. A preparation which is used to clean or to shine furniture, etc.: Eugenia used the polish on the silver plate that her grandmother gave her.
Polish (POH lish) (adjective)
Relating to, or referring to, Poland, the Poles, their language, or their culture: Chopin was a famous Polish composer and pianist.

It was necessary that Patricia polish the Polish tables and chairs.

More possibly related word entries
Units related to: “polish
(Month and Day Names)
(Latin: to rub, polish, wipe)
(Greek: scrape, scratch, shredded; polish; razor)
(retired educators teach English in the Polish countryside)
(Latin: polire, to polish, to smooth, to shine; to refine)
Word Entries containing the term: “polish
nail polish (s) (noun), nail polishes (pl)
A variety of liquids which are used to color or to paint fingernails and even toenails: There are several colors of nail polishes; and there are even special solutions that can be used to remove each kind of nail polish.

Marie used a special pink nail polish most of the time because it was her favorite color.

This entry is located in the following unit: poli- (page 1)
Polish (Polski) days
poniedzialek (Monday)
wtorek (Tuesday)
sroda (Wednesday)
czwartek (Thursday)
piatek (Friday)
sobota (Saturday)
niedziela (Sunday)
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 6)
Polish (Polski) months
styczen (January)
luty (February)
marzec (March)
kwiecien (April)
maj (May)
czerwiec (June)
lipiec (July)
sierpien (August)
wrzesien (September)
pazdziernik (October)
listopad (November)
grudzien (December)

—Based on information from

Berlitz East European Phrase Book, Berlitz Publishing Company, Ltd.;
Oxford, England, 1995.

Eastern Europe Phrasebook, by Krzysztof Dydynski;
Lonely Planet Publications; Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia; 1992.

International Dictionary in 21 Languages, by H.L. Ouseg;
Philosophical Library; New York; 1962.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 7)