Latin: Pluto (god, also called Dis or Orcus)
Greek: Persephone (goddess)
Latin: Proserpina (goddess)
The gods and goddesses of the underworld, minerals, and wealth.
Symbols: Cerberus, the bident (a two-pronged spear)

In the mythological age of the Roman gods, the world was divided into regions, each ruled by a god. The Infernal Regions, Hades, Death, and Cemeteries fell to the governance of Pluto, son of Cronus and Rhea.
As a reward for this rather solemn obligation, he was given the guardianship of riches, of all the precious metals, and stones that are buried deep in the earth.
The appearance of Pluto on earth was never a happy event, because his mission was always to take back to his kingdom the spirits of the dead. Riding up from the bowels of the earth in a chariot drawn by four coal-black steeds, he inspired fear in the hearts of humans.
Pluto's kingdom was almost impossible to reach without his permission, since it was located deep in the underworld guarded by huge Cerberus, the three-headed dog.
Near Pluto's throne were placed the seats of his three judges, Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthus, who questioned the newly-arrived souls. These hearings were enacted before Themis, the blindfolded, impartial goddess, whose sword of justice hung above the new arrvials.
If the souls were proven to be good, they were led away to the Elysian Fields; if not, they were forever committed to the infernal regions of Tartarus. While the souls were being judged, Pluto, it is said, amused himself by writing their epitaphs.