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plano-, plan-, plani-
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plain, plain, plane, plane
plain (PLAYN) (adjective)
1. Outspoken, without subtlety: The mayor was plain spoken and did not try to disguise what she was saying.
2. Descriptive of a lack in affectation; ordinary: Mildred's manners were plain and helped to make visitors very comfortable.
3. Not complicated: Celeste's mother preferred plain home cooked meals instead of highly spiced foods.
4. Pertaining to something simple; without ornament: The plain curtains in the window were strictly functional.
2. Descriptive of a lack in affectation; ordinary: Mildred's manners were plain and helped to make visitors very comfortable.
3. Not complicated: Celeste's mother preferred plain home cooked meals instead of highly spiced foods.
4. Pertaining to something simple; without ornament: The plain curtains in the window were strictly functional.
plain (PLAYN) (noun)
A wide and open stretch of land that is often treeless: The fields of wheat covered the plain as far as Josie could see.
plane (PLAYN) (noun)
1. An instrument or tool for making the surface of wood smooth: The cabinetmaker used a sharp plane to level the surface of the table made of pine.
2. A level of consciousness or development: Henry's plane of thought was lofty and purely academic.
3. A major supporting surface of an aircraft: The plane of the new airplane was designed to hold the wing and be strong but not heavy.
4. A word used interchangeably with "airplane": The plane taxied to the take-off site.
2. A level of consciousness or development: Henry's plane of thought was lofty and purely academic.
3. A major supporting surface of an aircraft: The plane of the new airplane was designed to hold the wing and be strong but not heavy.
4. A word used interchangeably with "airplane": The plane taxied to the take-off site.
plane (PLAYN) (adjective)
Flat, level; without depressions or elevations: The plane surface of the table was enhanced by the vase of stunning flowers.
As Myrna got on the aircraft, she noticed that it was just a plain plane without any luxuries.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group P; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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(Latin: flat space, plain; of or pertaining to fields)
(Greek: bare, making bare, stripping; smooth, plain; mere, merely)
Word Entries containing the term:
A flat, sediment-covered area in the deep ocean basin, usually at a depth between 3,000 and 5,000 meters: Several sunken ships have been mired in the abyssal plains of the Atlantic Ocean.
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abysso-, abyss-, abys-
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-al; -ial, -eal
(page 4)
A tract of gently sloping land by a river that periodically overflows depositing clay, silt, or gravel which has been brought downstream where the water slows down: Mike and his family decided to pitch their tents on the alluvial plain near the river because it was flat and sandy.
The waste plains look desolate and barren, however they may be rich in minerals that have been washed down by the river creating an alluvial plain.
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luto-, lut-, luv-, lu-
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A plain formed by the deposition of alluvium on the landward part of a large delta.
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delta, delt-; Δ, δ
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