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calcanodynia (s) (noun), calcanodynias /pl)
Pain in the heel when standing or walking: The elderly Mrs. Hathaway wanted to sit a lot during the day because she suffered from a condition of calcanodynia, so she ordered meals to be delivered to her home so she wouldn't have to stand in the kitchen to prepare them!
cryoprotein (s) (noun), cryoproteins /pl)
Any kind of protein that is not so soluble in a cold liquid substance: A cryoprotein precipitates from a solution when it is cooled and then redissolves when it is rewarmed.
This entry is located in the following units: cryo-, cry-, kryo-, kry- (page 6) proto-, prot- + (page 1)
culpability (s) (noun), culpabilities /pl)
The extent of one's guilt in an offence or wrongdoing: Except for strict liability crimes, the type and severity of punishment often follow the degree of culpability.

In explanations and predictions of human action and inaction culpability is a measure of the degree to which an agent, such as a person, can be held morally or legally responsible.

Culpability marks the dividing line between moral evil, like murder, for which someone may be held responsible, and natural evil, like earthquakes, for which no one can be held responsible.

This entry is located in the following units: -ability (page 3) culpa- (page 1)
limnophile (s) (noun), limnophiles /pl)
A form of life that grows in a lake or pond: At the garden center, Judy found out that she could plant some limnophiles, like the dwarf cattailsor the corkscrew rush, in the little pond in her garden.
spermatopathy (s) (noun), spermatopathies /pl)
One type of disease of the semen or spermatozoa: Spermatopathy can include an abnormality of the sperm cells, their secreting glands, or ducts.
tolerability (s) (noun), tolerabilities /pl)
1. Capable of being accepted; endurability: Mrs. Smart, the teacher, said there was absolutely no tolerability for the student's arrogance.
2. The capacity of being fairly good; satisfactoriness: The family wondered if the tolerability, of the old washing machine was still acceptable for using another year, or if they should buy a new one as a replacement.
This entry is located in the following units: -ability (page 9) tolerat- (page 1)
Units related to: “pl
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; a place for; abounding in or connected with something; a place containing or related to that which is specified by the root)
Holy Bible (s) (noun), Holy Bibles (pl)
(This unit consists of the titles of the Old and New Testaments.)
(Greek > Latin orgia (pl), secret rites)
(Greek > Modern Latin: abnormal reduction, decrease in, insufficient, deficiency. Originally, the meaning was poverty, need; sometimes it is erroneously or incorrectly rendered as -poenia)
Units at Get Words related to: “pl
(modifying or describing parts of speech)
(descriptions of verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs)
(connecting words or groups of words)
(expressing a strong feeling or emphasizing what is shown)
(names of words)
(showing a relationship between words)
(words that take the places of nouns)
(principal forms or tenses, functions, and conjugation formats)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “pl
fabrication (s) (noun), fabrications )pl)
1. A story, a lie, an excuse, etc. that has been invented or made up and is not true: Leslie was told by his mother to quit making up fabrications about how the window was broken by someone else and not by him.
2. The construction of something: It was obvious that the contractor was making a big effort to have his carpenters complete the house as soon as possible so they could start building another one that had been requested by the Roderick family.
A lie or a falsehood which is calculated to deceive another person.
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no-goodnik, nogoodnik (s) (noun); no-goodniks, nogoodniks (pl
1. A worthless, disreputable, or malicious person.
2. A no-good person.
This entry is located in the following unit: Words ending with -nik + (page 1)