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pilot (PIGH luht) (noun)
Someone who flies an aircraft, helicopter, etc.: The pilot of the plane made sure that the people arrived at their destination on time.
pilot (PIGH luht) (verb)
1. To fly an aircraft or to lead a ship through a difficult or dangerous area of water: Keith was committed to pilot the passenger plane safely to the airport during the thunderstorm.
2. To try something with a small group of people to find out if it would be successful or popular: The school is going to pilot a program for daily breakfasts with a few students before trying to introduce it to the whole school.
3. To provide advice or instructions that would help people accomplish something: The coach was determined to pilot his team to the national championships.
4. To fly a flying machine or to steer a vessel: Jack's sister is learning how to pilot an airplane and his brother is getting experience learning to pilot ships into port during fair and stormy weather.
2. To try something with a small group of people to find out if it would be successful or popular: The school is going to pilot a program for daily breakfasts with a few students before trying to introduce it to the whole school.
3. To provide advice or instructions that would help people accomplish something: The coach was determined to pilot his team to the national championships.
4. To fly a flying machine or to steer a vessel: Jack's sister is learning how to pilot an airplane and his brother is getting experience learning to pilot ships into port during fair and stormy weather.
pilot (PIGH luht) (adjective)
Concerning something which is done as a test to see if a project, study, etc., should be done: The staff of the school conducted a pilot training program to see if students could improve their educational skills.
The pilot agreed to pilot a twin engine aircraft as part of the pilot project for an advanced pilot training program.
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Confusing Words Clarified: Group P; Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs, Synonyms, Polysemes, etc. +
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A unit related to:
(Greek: steersman, pilot, helmsman; to steer, guide, govern, governor; computer-mediated electronic communications)
(Greek > Latin: to steer or to pilot a ship; to rule; a steersman)
Word Entries containing the term:
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, WIPP (noun) (no plural)
The first underground repository in the United States licensed to permanently dispose of transuranic radioactive waste left from the research and production of nuclear weapons; located in the Chihuahuan Desert of southeastern New Mexico, USA: As an engineering student, Dallas wanted to visit the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and discovered that he needed special governmental permission to do so.
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vast-, wast-
(page 2)