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A body secretion that regulates the behavior of other individuals in an animal population, serving such functions as sex attraction, trail marker, or warning signal.
Entomologists know that moths use pheromones to locate their mates. Yet when these chemical odors are widely dispersed in a windy, turbulent atmosphere, the insects still manage to fly in the right direction over hundreds of meters, or feet, with only random puffs of their mates' pheromones spaced tens of seconds apart to guide them.
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pher-, phero-
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A pheromone that elicits an alarm reaction in an animal-species population, causing an excited behavioral state.
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pher-, phero-
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A chemical or an odor that an animal produces which changes the behavior of another animal of the same species including insects: Male moths locate females by navigating along their plumes pf pheromones or clouds of vapors resembling feathers as they spread from their points of origin, often flying hundreds of feet before they can succeed.
Males must find the outer envelope of the plumes of pheromones and then head find the females.
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pher-, phero-
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A pheromone that produces a behavioral reaction by an organism.
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pher-, phero-
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A chemical substance or a blend of substances, usually a glandular secretion, which is used in communication within a species.
One individual releases the material as a signal and another responds after tasting or smelling it.
Primer pheromones alter the physiology of individuals and prepare them for new behavioral repertories. Releaser pheromones evoke responses directly.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
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A chemical substance exchanged among members of the same species that induces a state of alertness or alarm in the face of a common threat: Jeff read about thealarm pheromone referring to the release or ejection of a certain substance to alert the others of the same species of an oncoming danger, threat, or attack.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
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surface pheromone
A pheromone with an active space restricted so close to the body of the sending organism that direct contact, or something approaching it, must be made with the body in order to perceive the pheromone.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
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territorial pheromone
A substance deposited on or around the nest that is colony specific or species specific and aids in the exclusion of alien colonies.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
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trail pheromone, trail substance
A substance laid down in the form of a trail by one animal and followed by another member of the same species.
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Ant and Related Entomology Terms
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